Salvage operations
Nordic Salvage conducts advanced salvage operations. Our skilled crew work independantly and in collaboration with our wide network of partners to offer a safe, effective, and environment-friendly salvage.
Emergency Response
Nordic Salvage is ready 24/7 to mobilice our equipment when a ship is in distress. Together with our partners we are never far away when a vessel is in trouble.
Wreck Removal
Nordic Salvage's skilled team finds solutions for any wreck removal. We have a wide range of equipment in the company, as well as in sister companies and patners. Our solutions are tailored to your projects, resulting in low cost, reduced time consumption and reduced risk.
We have fire fighting, oil spill response, diving, pumps and lifitng equipment ready for immidiate deployment.

Environment Care
By rescuing ships and removing wrecks, Nordic Salvage has prevented oil, chemicals and debris from being spilled into the oceans. A wreck offten contains a lot of pollutans that pose a danger to the marine environment. The environment is always a key consern for Nordic Salvage, and we work to make sure damage is eliminated when possible, and always kept to a minimum.
Nordic Salvage can offer care-taking agreements. When having a caretakng-agreement on your vessel or wreck, you do not have to worry about the potential risk for more damage in the time before the salvage operation can start.

Nordic salvage work together with leading scrap workers to ensure that as much as possible of demolished objects are recycled. We carry out demolition of any object including, but not limited to concrete, steel and wood objects.

Nordic Salvage carry out all kinds of towage. We use our own and partner vessels to ensure a safe and reliable towage operation.

Founded in 2019 by Lars Lønning, Nordic Salvage has led succesful salvage operations, and proven to be a preffered partrner in salvage, demolition and towage.
Nordic Salvage aims to be leading in salvage operations national and international. We deliver both complete salvage operations, and assist in operations.
Our founder Lars brings years of experiance from working with salvage, demolition and towing in sister companies of Nordic Salvage.

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call our 24h duty phone: +47 909 15 854
Or fill in form below
Nordic Salvage is always looking to expand our network of local, national and international partners. Contact us by mail or phone.